As we already know, diabetes is a latent, hidden disorder that needs 10 to 12 years to be diagnosed. Thus it is usually discovered following another diagnosis, most frequently of heart issues, pancreatic problems, kidney or vision malfunctions or even a stroke. However, there are some symptoms of t2d that can trigger a wake up call to do a blood test and check your general health condition before it gets any worse.
Here it is a list of the 11 most common key-symptoms of diabetes:
- dry mouth and continuous thirst
- frequent need of urination
- repeated urinary tract infections
- general weakness, fatigue and head aches
- sleepless nights
- continuous sensation of hunger throughout the day
- weight gain or weight loss
- blurred vision
- sexual issues
- tinglings or numbness of the extremities of your limbs
- wounds need extremely long time to heal
My mom received her diabetic label when she finally decided to check the reason of the tinglings and even numbness of her hands and feet.
As for me, I was just curious to see my numbers! I do not recall of feeling any of the symptoms except maybe for the general weakness and the headaches. Both could have been easily mistaken as a consequence of my iron deficiency as well. In fact, diabetes was making itself at home within my body just like a thief who brakes into your home in the middle of the night, takes away your most valuable things and you don’t actually notice it until you need those valuables.
Furthermore, pay extra attention if :
- your daily diet does not include at least 5 types of different colored fruits and vegetables
- your plate contains mostly ultra-processed food instead of home-made
- snacks are at hand all day long
- you’re suffering of constipation quite frequently
- you’re rather sedentary instead of walking an hour a day
Please keep in mind that there are no early signs of diabetes, that is why it is imperative that you do random blood tests at least once a year to check your general health. It can make a difference between acute and chronic, between medication and no medication, between life and death.